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Science School

Take Part

in science demos, hands-on activities, and crafts for kids.


with people from 18 organizations and the discoveries they are making


science on the streets of Woods Hole and get up-close views of oceanographic robots & instruments

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Join Us

Saturday, August 10, 2024 • 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Water Street, Woods Hole, MA

Participating Science Organizations:

1. NOAA’s Woods Hole Science Aquarium

Stop by the Nation’s oldest public aquarium! The Woods Hole Science Aquarium was added to the Woods Hole Lab in 1875 as a working research aquarium. Even then it was opened to the public. People could stroll through and learn about some of the local sea life. Today, it’s open year-round and is home to approximately 80 species of marine animals found in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic waters. Enjoy:
-Self-guided tours
-interactive exhibits
-Daily seal talks by staff featuring Bubba, our 24-year-old harbor seal
-Behind-the-scenes look at aquarium operations

2. NOAA Dock (and other participating organizations)

 - NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center

There’s a place where history and fisheries science come together. Where people’s love of the ocean is only matched by their desire to serve. Where knowledge is shared for the benefit of all. Welcome to NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center! Journey through our exhibit area and talk with scientists, staff, and special guests to learn more about us and what we do to support sustainable fish and seafood, protect and recover marine life, conserve habitats, and more! The U.S. Coast Guard will also have an exhibit area where you can learn about the great work they do. Be sure to tour the inflatable whale Salt,  and our small but mighty research vessel the R/V Gloria Michelle.

 - United States Coast Guard (USCG)


3. Waterfront Park - Participating organizations

- Buzzards Bay Coalition

Stop by the Buzzards Bay Coalition tent for all things Buzzards Bay! Check out our giant scallop model, learn about the importance of clean water for all of our Bay's wildlife, and take home a fun craft.

- Falmouth Water Stewards

The mission of Falmouth Water Stewards (FWS) is to protect, preserve, and restore Falmouth’s bays, estuaries, salt ponds, and fresh waters through education, advocacy, and citizen science. FWS informs the public about the most pressing water quality issues of the day, engages citizens as stewards and caretakers of our waters, and is a voice at Town Meeting. In collaboration with the Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC), FWS participates in cyanobacteria monitoring and sampling Falmouth ponds for the Cape Cod Freshwater Initiative. With funding from the Falmouth Community Preservation Fund in addition to private donations, FWS installed over twenty water-refill stations throughout Falmouth, including the station at Waterfront Park in Woods Hole. FWS informs the public about the most pressing water quality issues of the day and engages citizens as stewards and caretakers of our waters. At the Science Stroll, we will distribute education materials on the water cycle, water conservation, and how to protect our freshwater and saltwater resources

- ResilientWoodsHole

ResilientWoodsHole is a private-public initiative working to ensure that Woods Hole prospers into the future in the face of major climate impacts. Visit the ResilientWoodsHole tent to learn more about sea level rise and coastal storm flooding, some ways to adapt, and some projects ResilientWoodsHole is working on. Our tent features maps, posters, and an activity for kids. Stop by and talk to some of ResilientWoodsHole researchers about climate change impacts in Woods Hole!

- Sea Education Association

Visit Sea Education Association's interactive display to learn more about marine plastics, ocean creatures, and current research from SEA students and faculty. For over 50 years, SEA has been educating students all over the world, providing students with the opportunity to conduct oceanographic research. Stop by and talk to our experts to learn more!

- United States Geological Survey (USGS)

Science for a changing world! Watch drone demonstrations, use our virtual reality goggles, learn about coastal modeling, and more!

 - Woods Hole Science and Technology Education Partnership (WHSTEP)

This year WHSTEP will be promoting the importance of pollinators (bees, etc). Children can decorate an envelope and we'll add some soil and some flower seeds for them to plant and help to feed the bees! A bee exhibit/info is planned to be on display. Mugs will be available for purchase to help support Teacher mini grants.

- Woodwell Climate Research Center

Be part of climate science for change! Learn about the incredible superpowers of trees and forests, and track climate solutions right here on Cape Cod.

- Woods Hole Children's School of Science

Come and learn about our hands-on summer science classes for ages 7-16.  We'll have some of the different organisms we've found over the course of the summer for you to observe and other fun activities.

- Oyster Pond Environmental Trust

Visit the Oyster Pond Environmental Trust booth to discover the wonders of Oyster Pond! Explore our herring run game, learn about local conservation efforts dedicated to preserving this vital ecosystem, and enjoy our hands-on activity. Meet our passionate team, who can answer your questions about protecting and sustaining the natural beauty of Oyster Pond for future generations.

- Zephyr Education Foundation

Zephyr Education Foundation will display some of the instrumentation used on our hands-on scientific ‘cruises’ on Vineyard Sound for high school and college classes

4. MBL Pierce Exhibit Center and Gift Shop

Learn more about the Marine Biological Laboratory by visiting the Pierce Exhibit Center. Colorful exhibits, designed for all ages, tell the story of the MBL and its impact on life sciences. Live animals, stunning underwater video footage, a hands-on microscope, and an interactive squid are all part of the visitor experience.

5. Marine Biological Laboratory

Get up close to live marine creatures living in the waters surrounding Woods Hole.  Meet MBL Scientists and learn how they draw upon nature to teach us more about our environment and even ourselves.

6. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) (and other participating organizations)

Immerse yourself in science on the WHOI dock. Check out some of the various autonomous and remotely operated vehicles we use to explore the ocean as well as many displays featuring world-class ocean science research.

- Falmouth Academy
Learn about one of Falmouth Academy's signature program: Science in the Real World. Current Falmouth Academy students will share their experiences participating in regional and state science and engineering fairs, working alongside local Woods Hole scientists in internships and mentorships, and taking part in our new 9th grade curriculum centered around climate change.  Members of the school's Women in Science and Engineering Club will have a fun hands-on activity for children of all ages.

 - Broader Impacts Group
The Broader Impacts Group (BIG) is a primarily student-organized group at WHOI with a mission to connect members of WHOI to the larger community. At the Science Stroll, members of the Broader Impacts Group will display their educational demonstrations that they take to local schools. These demonstrations are meant to capture a wide range of ages and to encourage students and their families to ask questions about WHOI research.

- Woods Hole Diversity Initiative and Diversity Advisory Committee
Stop by the Woods Hole Diversity Initiative and Diversity Advisory Committee booth to learn about our efforts to foster an inclusive community! Discover our programs and initiatives aimed at promoting diversity in the sciences, engage with our dedicated team members to discuss our impact, and discover how you can get involved in supporting diversity and inclusion in Woods Hole.


7. Woods Hole Film Festival (WHFF) - Redfield Auditorium

The Woods Hole Film Festival presents the short documentary BRUCE & ALVIN A short documentary about the history and future of Alvin, one of the world’s only remaining publicly-funded manned submersibles, as told through the eyes of long-time Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution pilot Bruce Strickrott. We learn about the inspiration for this unlikely hero of the sea whose capacity to help us to see the deepest parts of the world’s oceans in person has lead to discoveries that were once considered to be impossible. As a pilot and program manager, Bruce views his job as one which allows him to change lives by taking scientists to the ocean depths. As one of a handful of people on earth who operates this vehicle, Bruce is aware of the importance of what he does and of the need to pass on this knowledge to future generations to support science and discovery. BRUCE AND ALVIN a short documentary by Josh Seftel, USA, 2021, 24 mins. Screenings at Redfield Auditorium ongoing throughout the day.




8. WHOI Ocean Science Discovery Center

Visitors to the WHOI Ocean Science Discovery Center learn about the Institution's ocean science research, engineering, and exploration.

9. Woods Hole Historical Museum (WHHM)